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What is the Rapid Response Program
Layers of Security is a cornerstone of California Metro Patrol. One layer of security is installing a security alarm system with alarm monitoring. This ensures that your security  company is monitoring your alarm system should it get triggered. This is a valuable layer many families and businesses overlook until an unfortunate incident happens.
Typically, you must register your alarm with the local law enforcement agency as well so that they know to dispatch officers to your location.

Rapid Response Program

In addition to a regular monitoring response, California Metro Patrol provides a unique level of alarm monitoring and response, called our Rapid Response Program. The difference in this alarm monitoring service is that we not only monitor your alarm, but receive a simultaneous alarm notification so a patrol officer responds to the alarm along with local law enforcement until you cancel the alarm. After you’ve canceled the alarm, the police are notified of the false alarm, which keeps police department resources active in the field and helps you avert a false alarm fee. If there is no cancelation, CMP is generally the first responder to the incident with law enforcement not long behind.

Because our security officers receive a simultaneous alarm notification through the Rapid Response Program, you have peace of mind knowing that help is on the way as soon as your alarm goes off. This could be a very stressful situation if your alarm is not false. Our patrol units head to your property and stay enroute until they arrive to help or the security alarm is cancelled.
The Rapid Response Program Looks Like This: 
CMP Rapid Response Program
Feel free to print this graphic: 03-22-2CMP-Rapid-Response-Pgm.pdf

How to Reduce False Alarms From Your Home and Business Systems

False security alarms that law enforcement respond to leads to inconvenient fees. Preventing false alarms will not only save you money but keep valuable public safety resources on the streets. We suggest these tips to avoid false alarms:

  • Make sure everyone in your home/property knows the alarm codes.
  • Make sure everyone knows how to operate the alarm system is properly in order to disarm it.
  • Keep your call list up to date.
  • Keep your security system equipment positioned so animals, plants, and debris won’t become an accidental trigger.
  • Secure your all doors and windows.
  • Make sure your security company repairs or replaces any faulty equipment.
We Have Answers to Your Questions

Discover how our Rapid Response Program supports and enhances your alarm monitoring and response system. We realize home owners, business owners, and renters all experience different security challenges and we’re here to help you find the best security system for your needs.

Request a no-obligation quote today about the Rapid Response Program or any of our other services. Or you can call us at 888-788-0813 – we’re here to help improve your security.


Add another Layer of Security: the Rapid Response Program is added support for your home and business security.

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